Treaties between Nativesand Britain ------------------------------------ Treaty of Easton, Oct 1758; Iroquois, Lenape (Delaware), and Shawnee,Minisink, Teedyuscug, Pompton,(Tribes in attendance:Mohawks, Oneidas, Onondagas, Cayugas, Senecas, Tuscaroras, Tuteloes, Nanticokes and Conoys, Chugnuts, Delawares, Unamies, Mohicans, and "Minisinks and Wapingers or Pumptons); Pennsylvania and New Jersey, Ohio Country, Cape May, Sandy Hook, Paoqualin Mountain and Alamalunk Falls identified, [Allegheny] mountains; Unable to find actual treaty. The Great Treaty of 1722 Between the Five Nations, the Mahicans, and the Colonies of New York, Virginia, and Pennsylvania; Mohogs, Oneydes Onondages, Cayauges & Sinnekees in Albany; Territories: New York,NewJersey Deed in Trust from Three of the Five Nations of Indians to the King, 1726.Territory: Beaver Hunting, Providence of New York, Land Lying and being Sixty miles distance taken Directly from the water into the Country Beginning from a Creek Call'd Canahogue on the Lake Osweego, all along the said lake and all along the narrow passage from the said Lake to the Falls of Oniagara Called Cahaquaraghe and all along the River of Oniagara and all along the Lake Cadarackquis to the Creek Called Sodoms belonging to the Senekes and from Sodoms to the hill Called Tegerhunkserode Belonging to the Cayouges, and from Tegerhunckseroda to the Creek Called Cayhunghage Belonging to the Onnondages all the Said Land being of the Breadth of Sixty English miles as aforesaid all the way from the aforesaid Lakes or Rivers Directly into the Country and thereby Including all the Castles of the aforesaid Three Nations with all the Rivers Creeks and Lakes within the Said Limits; Tribes:Kanakarighton & Thanintsaronwee Sinneke Sachims, Ottsoghkoree Dekanissoree & Aenjeweeratt Cayouge Sachims, Kachjahadorodon & Sadegeenaghtie Onnondage Sachims; A Treaty Held at the Town of Lancaster, By the Honourable the Lieutenant Governor of the Province, and the Honourable the Commissioners for the Province of Virginia and Maryland, with the Indians of the Six Nations in June, 1744.; Tribes: Iroquois, Haudenosaunee Confederacy, Onandago, Conoy-uch-?uch-roona, Coch-now-was-roonan, Toboa-irough-roonan, and Connut?kin-ough-roonaw; Territories: Virginia Colony and Maryland Colony, Pennsylvania; Treaty of Logstown, 1752 The Albany Congress, and Treaty of 1754 the Western Nations of Indians, at the Camp before Pittsburgh, 12th Day of August 1760 Treaty of Fort Stanwix, or The Grant from the Six Nations to the King and Agreement of Boundary Line — Six Nations, Shawnee, Delaware, Mingoes of Ohio, 1768 Convention Between the State of New York and the Oneida Indians, June 1, 1798 A Treaty Between the United States of America and the sachems, chiefs, and warriors, of the Wyandot, Ottawa, Chippewa, Munsee, and Delaware, Shawnee, and Pattawatamy nations, holden at fort Industry, on the Miami of the lake, on the 4th day of July, A.D. one thousand eight hundred and five 1805 States set up Before 1777 -------------------------- Boston, New York,New Jersey, ***ORIGINAL AMERICAN TREATIES WITH Britain *** ============================================= - Treaty of Easton, Oct 1758; - The Great Treaty of 1722 Between the Five Nations, the Mahicans, and the Colonies of New York, Virginia, and Pennsylvania; - Deed in Trust from Three of the Five Nations of Indians to the King, 1726. - The Treaty held with the Indians of the Six Nations, at Philadelphia, in July, 1742. - A Treaty Held at the Town of Lancaster, By the Honourable the Lieutenant Governor of the Province, and the Honourable the Commissioners for the Province of Virginia and Maryland, with the Indians of the Six Nations in June, 1744.; - Treaty of Logstown, 1752 - The Albany Congress, and Treaty of 1754 - The Western Nations of Indians, at the Camp before Pittsburgh, 12th Day of August 1760 - Treaty of Fort Stanwix, or The Grant from the Six Nations to the King and Agreement of Boundary Line — Six Nations, Shawnee, Delaware, Mingoes of Ohio, 1768 - Convention Between the State of New York and the Oneida Indians, June 1, 1798 - A Treaty Between the United States of America and the sachems, chiefs, and warriors, of the Wyandot, Ottawa, Chippewa, Munsee, and Delaware, Shawnee, and Pattawatamy nations, holden at fort Industry, on the Miami of the lake, on the 4th day of July, A.D. one thousand eight hundred and five 1805 - Middle Plantation Treaty of 1677 - Treaty of August 24, 1835 - Treaty with the Comanche and Witchetaw Indians